The objectives of the Society are as follows:
- To maintain British ideals amongst permanent and temporary British residents in Uruguay and members of the British Community, and to strengthen the ties binding them to the United Kingdom.
- To foster good relations between them and the people of Uruguay.
- To organize celebrations as may be deemed necessary and appropriate according to each occasion.
- To maintain an adequate Benevolent Fund and establish the conditions of its operation, for the purpose of assisting British subjects permanently or temporarily resident in Uruguay and members of the British Community in Uruguay who may require assistance; the Executive Committee will decide whether a person requiring assistance is a member of the British Community.
- To continue the administration of the old people's home known as the Sir Winston Churchill Home and establish the conditions for its operation.
- To act in the best interests of the British Community in any matters not specifically falling within the scope of Her Majesty's diplomatic or consular representatives and/or the Cámara de Comercio Uruguayo-Británica, and to cooperate with and assist either of said representations or Chamber should this be requested.
Notwithstanding any of the foregoing objectives, nothing shall be interpreted as being limitative of the scope of activities of the Society, excepting only those cases that are expressly forbidden or limited by these Statutes.