
Membership is open to all interested in Anglo culture and is composed of the following categories: Honorary, Active, Associate and Junior.

Honorary Members are those upon whom this distinction has been conferred in recognition of outstanding services rendered to the Society. Honorary Membership may only be conferred by recommendation of the Executive Committee, submitted to a General Meeting and approved by not less than two-thirds of the voting Members present. Honorary Members shall enjoy all the privileges of Active Members, including the right to vote and serve on the Committee.

Active Members are those who figure on the register as "Subscribing Members" at the date of the approval of these Statutes and those British subjects permanently or temporarily resident in Uruguay and other persons who are members of the British Community in Uruguay in the opinion of the Executive Committee, who are accepted in the future after complying with the requirements laid down in these Statutes.

Associate Members are those who do not fulfil the conditions of Active Membership, but who at the discretion of the Executive Committee are actively associated with the activities of the British Community or are married to an Active Member.

Junior Members are those who fulfil any of the conditions as an Active Member or an Associate Member, but who are under l8 years of age.

Candidates for admission to membership must fill out an application form provided for that purpose, which must be signed by two members who must be either Honorary or Active.

The Committee shall vote on the admission of members. Two votes against being sufficient to reject the applicant, who may not be submitted again for admission during the succeeding twelve months.

All Members shall have equal rights in the Society with the following exceptions:

a) That of serving on the Committee shall be limited to Honorary and Active Members who are 21 years of age or over and who have been Members of the Society for more than 12 months.

b) That of voting shall be limited to Honorary and Active Members who have been Members of the Society for more than 6 months.

In order to exercise the rights mentioned in a) and b), a Member must also be up to date in the payment of his memberships.

Members wishing to terminate their Membership should notify the Honorary Secretary in writing.

The privileges of Membership shall be lost automatically by any member who is three years in arrears in his membership.

Welcome 1 New Members to our Society!

Esteban “Steve” Cesar Mallon Vega

Wishing a Very Happy Birthday to Our January Birthdays!

3 Roberto D. Symonds M.

5 Sara M. Ferres B.

8 Fundación Museo Ralli

19 Alejandra Mendioroz C.

20 Virginia Rial F.

21 Sandra A. Johns M.

22 Gabriela Gaby Laporte C.

23 Ximena Xime Williamson B.

27 Elisa C. Elizabeth Whitty C.

British Society in Uruguay

Our Society has 202 active members to date


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