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- All file names must be in lower case, without spaces or any Latin characters.
- Index image should be square sized with a minimum of 400 x 400 px and a maximum 700 x 700 px. The file should be less than 220 kb. Index files should be named in this format: bsu-newsletter-YYYY-MM-index.jpg. for example: bsu-newsletter-2023-04-index.jpg would be the name for the file of the April issue of 2023.
- Newsletter Cover image file should be in JPG format and must have the same name and proportions as the PDF file, for example: bsu-newsletter-2023-04.jpg with a size of 216 x 305 px 72ppi resolution.
- Newsletter PDF files should be less than 6 Mb in size.
- Newsletter PDF files must be named in this format: bsu-newsletter-YYYY-MM.pdf. for example: bsu-newsletter-2023-04.pdf would be the name for the file of the April issue of 2023.