Please update your membership status by paying your annual membership fee, which is currently set at $U 700 per year.

We have also implemented recurring payments so you no longer have to remember to pay your fees. You do not need to have a MercadoPago user.

By clicking HERE you can use your MercadoPago account or choose to enter your details as "Invitado".

You are 3 clicks away of never having to remember to pay again!

This recurring payment has a special discount and is very easy to cancel if you wish to do so in the future.

Please click here if you wish to send us a message.

You can make a bank transfer (or direct deposit via Abitab or Redpagos) to the British Society account at Banque Heritage Uruguay number 62582-03, or pay our Treasurer (in copy) directly. If done by bank transfer/deposit, please send our Treasurer ( a copy of the transfer/deposit slip.

Once this is done, your membership status will be updated.

We foster British values and ideals in Uruguay

Website design by BOSKEJO