British Society in Uruguay

"All that glitters is not gold"

By William Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"

British Society in Uruguay

"Necessity is the mother of invention"

Traditional proverb

British Society in Uruguay

"The bee's knees"

Something excellent or high quality

British Society in Uruguay

"The pen is mightier than the sword"

By Edward Bulwer-Lytton

British Society in Uruguay

"Not my cup of tea"

Not something I like or enjoy

British Society in Uruguay

"A stitch in time saves nine"

Traditional proverb

British Society in Uruguay

"Bob's your uncle"

Everything is fine; there you have it

Council Institutions

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July 2024

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Ours is an active Society serving Uruguay's minor, but dynamic British Community, filled with vibrant institutions. We invite you to join us and share our activities, all of which collect funds for our charities while bringing us together in enjoyment and learning.

To keep abreast of what the British Society does, we encourage you to click here and subscribe to our monthly Newsletter Contact.

We foster British values and ideals in Uruguay

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